Specialties Radiology

Veterinary Radiology

Although our pets cannot tell us when they are experiencing a health issue, they give us signs when something doesn’t feel quite right, like behavior changes, loss of appetite, vomiting, or diarrhea. If your family veterinarian does not find an obvious cause for your pet’s clinical signs, they may refer you to a radiology specialist for diagnostic imaging.

Why Choose MedVet Radiology

Our radiology team, many of whom are board-certified, has advanced training and expertise that allows them to see abnormalities and clarify findings using photos created through diagnostic imaging procedures. Using these images, we work with your family veterinarian and other MedVet specialists to diagnose and develop a treatment plan for your pet. 

Our team is at the forefront of veterinary radiology care, research, and technology. And MedVet offers state-of-the-art equipment to capture the detailed images that are a key to correctly diagnosing your pet. 

What to Expect During an Imaging Appointment

Many imaging procedures require pets to be very still. Because that can be difficult for pets, we often use sedation or anesthesia which requires special preparation like making sure your pet has not eaten (fasted) before the procedure. Before your visit, our team will provide all the information you will need and answer all your questions about the procedure.  

After the images are taken, our radiologists will review them and consult with your pet’s care team. A doctor will meet with you to discuss your pet’s diagnosis and treatment plan. They will answer any questions you may have, too. Our team also partners with your family veterinarian to provide the best treatment options for your pet. 

Diagnostic Imaging Services

CT scans are non-invasive and take a series of X-ray images from different angles. A dedicated high-speed computer combines pictures to create detailed, cross-sectional images of the body. Our team can enhance the images to better view the area being examined.

MRIs are non-invasive and use a magnetic field to create detailed images of your pet’s internal organs and structures. MRI may be used alone or in addition to other imaging techniques. It can provide further visualization of structures that are not viewed as well using X-rays, ultrasound, or CT scans. MRI is valuable in diagnosing many conditions, including brain and spinal diseases.

X-rays are the most common diagnostic tool and often the first step in obtaining a diagnosis. Our advanced digital radiology suites allow us to quickly obtain clear digital images that can be viewed multiple ways on the computer. The electronic images are easy to share with other MedVet specialists and your family veterinarian, too, so your pet receives exceptionally collaborative care.

Ultrasounds use sound waves to create images of areas inside the body. Our doctors can evaluate internal organs, musculoskeletal injuries, gastrointestinal abnormalities, fluid, and masses. Most ultrasounds are non-invasive and use a small, hand-held device to press on areas outside the body. Ultrasound can also be used internally by inserting a small device through a natural opening like the mouth.

In addition to X-rays, ultrasound, CT, and MRI, our hospitals also offer radiographic consultation and contrast radiographic procedures (including myelography). Some locations also offer fluoroscopy which is able to show movement of organs and tissues inside the body in real time. In addition, a very specialized procedure known as radioiodine treatment (I-131) for treating hyperthyroidism is available at MedVet Cincinnati and MedVet Columbus.

Not all services are available in every hospital. Contact your local MedVet for services for that location.