Pet Care Resources

Help for Your Dog With Pollen, Mold, and Dust Mite Allergies

January 24, 2022

Mowing can agitate a pet's allergies.

Here are some steps you can take to help minimize the impact of allergens on your pet.


  • To minimize your pet’s exposure to pollens and help them keep their dog allergies in check, keep your grass cut short.
  • Keep your pet indoors dawn and dusk when the pollen count is high and while mowing the grass.
  • Use the air conditioner as much as possible.
  • Rinse or wipe off your dog with water when coming in from outside.


  • To decrease your pet’s exposure to molds, try and prevent access to damp areas of a home and yard such as basements, crawl spaces, under decking, under bushes, and mulch.
  • Use a dehumidifier.
  • Clean and disinfect humidifiers.
  • Keep houseplants to a minimum.
  • Don’t feed dusty dog foods.
  • Avoid barns.

Dust Mites

  • To minimize exposure to dust mites, try and keep your pet out of rooms with carpeting and rugs.
  • Use dust mite covers on dog beds.
  • If your dog sleeps in your bed, use dust mite covers on your mattress and pillows.
  • Wash bedding that your pet lays on in hot water, once weekly.
  • Try and keep your dog off of stuffed furniture.
  • Avoid stuffed toys.
  • Use a dehumidifier or air conditioner on humid days.

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