Pet Care Resources

Inhalant Allergies

February 22, 2022

Typically, allergies to pollen, mold, dust, etc. develop between 1-3 years of age. Animals usually do not outgrow their allergies and often times the allergy worsens with age. Scratching, rubbing, licking or chewing face, feet, limbs, armpits, and sides are all common signs of allergies.

Additionally, one may see ear infections, runny red eyes, and sneezing. Animals with allergies are more likely to get secondary bacterial and/or yeast infections of their skin. Diagnosing and treating these infections is important, as effective treatment may significantly improve the itch and odor.

Treatments: Fatty acid supplements, antihistamines, and hyposensitization injections (“allergy shots”) are often used to treat allergies.

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